BullShit News Nuclear Cover

April 9th, 2021
Ban on Assault Weapons

β€œThere's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending.” ― Abraham Lincoln

The Latest News, Conflicting Views, and Trending Theories

What are you missing? See the Latest Mainstream News next to Citizen Journalists and Trending Internet Theories. We recognize that there is an abundance of information and theories out there, and that conflicting views need to be presented side-by-side in order to try and find the theme behind them. Even though we like to keep things lighthearted, we are very serious about bringing transparency to the media (all news, including the fringe stuff).

The Bull
  • Jump to Special Reports Categories Below
  • The Bill of Rights is under attack on nearly every front. We fought for it and we will always fight for it Telegram: MikePompeo 118: They’ve called us β€œdisrupters” and β€œanti-establishment.”...
  • <<< Austin Steinbart >>>

    As Judge Thomas pushes for treating internet companies like utilities, this video from Oct.17, 2020 seems to be more relevant. Quantum Internet...
  • <<< Fourth Amendment >>>

    Whether a particular type of search is considered reasonable in the eyes of the law, is determined by balancing two important interests. On one side of the scale is the intrusion on an individual's Fourth Amendment rights. On the other side of the scale are legitimate government interests, such as public safety. What Does the Fourth Amendment Mean?... The Fourth Amendment originally enforced the notion that β€œeach man’s home is his castle”, secure from unreasonable searches and seizures of property by the government. It protects against arbitrary arrests, and is the basis of the law regarding search warrants, stop-and-frisk, safety inspections, wiretaps, and other forms of surveillance, as well as being central to many other criminal law topics and to privacy law. Fourth Amendment... The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Fourth Amendment...
  • <<< Section 230 >>>

    Judge Thomas goes after Section 230... repeal or not? Does it protect free speech or allow censorship of free speech? If Section 230 were to be removed, would that be good for free speech or will it hurt free speech in the long run by opening up platforms like gab, facebook, twitter, 4chan, 8chan, and others to lawsuits, effectively shutting down the social media platforms under the burden of legal expenses? What do you think?
    Fringe Theory: As Judge Thomas pushes for treating internet companies like utilities, this video from 2020 seems to be more relevant as it predicted the need to convert internet providers to a utilty. Quantum Internet... Justice Thomas is now suggesting that social media companies may not have a 'First Amendment' right to regulate online speech. JUSTICE CLARANCE THOMAS JUST SIGNALED THAT HE’S READY TO NUKE SOCIAL MEDIA... The decision by social media giants Twitter and Facebook to ban former President Donald Trump from their platforms appears to have drawn the ire of one of America’s most prominent jurists: Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Thomas grumbles over Trump's social media ban... Section 230 is a piece of Internet legislation in the United States, passed into law as part of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) of 1996 (a common name for Title V of the Telecommunications Act of 1996), formally codified as Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 at 47 U.S.C. Β§ 230.[a]
    Section 230 generally provides immunity for website platforms from third-party content.
    At its core, Section 230(c)(1) provides immunity from liability for providers and users of an "interactive computer service" who publish information provided by third-party users: No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider. Wikiepdia: Section 230...
  • <<< Election Audits >>>

    Antrim County Forensic Audit:
    "The purpose of this forensic audit is to test the integrity of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in Antrim County, Michigan for the 2020 election... A high "error rate" in the election software (in this case 68.05%) reflects an algorithm used that will weight one candidate greater than another (for instance, weight a specific candidate at a 2/3 to approximately 1/3 ratio). In the logs we identified that the RCV or Ranked Choice Voting Algorithm was enabled (see image below from the Dominion manual). This allows the user to apply a weighted numerical value to candidates and change the overall result... The Election Event Designer Log shows that Dominion ImageCast Precinct Cards were programmed with updated new programming on 10/23/2020 and again after the election on 11/05/2020. As previously mentioned, this violates the HAVA safe harbor period. " Forensic Analysis Dominion, Antrim County, Michigan... Arizona's Senate Republicans have signed a $150,000 contract for a 2020 election audit with a Florida company whose chief executive has promoted election conspiracy theories. Arizona Republicans hire promoter of pro-Trump election conspiracies for $150K audit of 2020 election... Maricopa County Board of SUpervisors calls emergency meeting about audit... Telegram: DiscloseTV: Arizona's Maricopa County Board of Supervisors reportedly called an emergency meeting this morning over the upcoming 2020 election audit.... Any bias between the two below? - Afraid of Cheating Now?
    Republicans in Arizona's state Senate have announced that they are set to conduct a full review of 2020 election results in Maricopa County β€” including a machine audit and a hand recount of all 2.1 million ballots cast there β€” to ensure that President Joe Biden's victory was legitimate. Arizona Senate GOP to conduct full hand recount, machine audit of 2020 election results in Maricopa County... ...versus...
    The Great Arizona Search for Election Fraud kicks off today as the Arizona Senate announced it has hired four – count β€˜em four – firms to audit Maricopa County’s election.The $150,000 audit will be led by Cyber Ninjas, a small Florida cyber security company founded by a Trump supporter who promoted conspiracy theories as part of the Stop the Steal movement. Arizona Senate hires a Trump ninja to do its election audit. No ... really...
Special Report - Holograms and Light
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Elections and Fraud
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Persuasion Techniques
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - COVID and Vaccines
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - the History of Money
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - United States of America
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Coming Soon:
New World Order... Theories and Evidence
March 1st Edition on DUMB
February 11th Edition on Epstein
February 5th Edition on Myanmar
February 2nd Edition on Blockchain
March 31st Edition on John Durham
Coming Soon:
Global Warming... Solar Wind or Bull Farts?
Coming Soon:
Food... Is a Shortage Coming?
Coming Soon:
Q... 007s Gadget Guru or Modern Information Op?
🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 What happened to the nursing home saga? 🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 Will Maricopa county audit find fraud? 🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 Did the vaccines help COVID-19 mutate into a new, more virulent virus? 🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 Will the Russia - Ukraine Conflict Escalate now that the UN is involved? 🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞
Past Editions:
04/08/2021 04/07/2021 04/06/2021 04/05/2021 04/04/2021 04/03/2021 04/02/2021 04/01/2021 03/31/2021 03/30/2021 03/29/2021 03/28/2021 03/27/2021 03/26/2021 03/25/2021 03/24/2021 03/23/2021 03/22/2021 03/21/2021 03/20/2021 03/19/2021 03/18/2021 03/17/2021 03/16/2021 03/15/2021 03/14/2021 03/13/2021 03/12/2021 03/11/2021 03/10/2021 03/09/2021 03/08/2021 03/07/2021 03/06/2021 03/05/2021 03/04/2021 03/03/2021 03/02/2021 03/01/2021 02/28/2021 02/27/2021 02/26/2021 02/25/2021 02/24/2021 02/23/2021 02/22/2021 02/21/2021 02/20/2021 02/19/2021 02/18/2021 02/17/2021 02/16/2021 02/15/2021 02/14/2021 02/13/2021 02/12/2021 02/11/2021 02/10/2021 02/09/2021 02/08/2021 02/07/2021 02/06/2021 02/05/2021 02/04/2021 02/03/2021 02/02/2021 02/01/2021 01/31/2021 01/30/2021 01/29/2021 01/28/2021 01/27/2021 01/26/2021 01/25/2021 01/24/2021 01/23/2021 01/22/2021 01/21/2021 01/20/2021 01/19/2021 01/18/2021 01/17/2021 01/16/2021 01/15/2021 01/14/2021 01/13/2021 01/12/2021 01/11/2021 01/10/2021 01/09/2021 01/08/2021 01/07/2021 01/06/2021 01/05/2021 01/04/2021 01/03/2021 01/02/2021 01/01/2021 12/31/2020 12/30/2020 12/29/2020 12/28/2020 12/27/2020 12/26/2020 12/25/2020 12/24/2020 12/23/2020 12/22/2020 12/21/2020