January 4th, 2022
Coronavirus 229E
Dark Winter

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” ― John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America

The Latest News, Conflicting Views, and Trending Theories

What are you missing? See the Latest Mainstream News next to Citizen Journalists and Trending Internet Theories. We recognize that there is an abundance of information and theories out there, and that conflicting views need to be presented side-by-side in order to try and find the theme behind them. Even though we like to keep things lighthearted, we are very serious about bringing transparency to the media (all news, including the fringe stuff).

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  • The End of the Coronavirus Pandemic and COVID-19 is NOW!!!
    Denmark health chief says Omicron is about to END the pandemic... The pandemic is ending? And it’s because of the Omicron variant? We didn’t have that on our 2022 Covid lockdown, masks-forever bingo card, but that’s the news coming out of Europe. Denmark’s chief epidemiologist, Tyra Grove Krause, spoke with Danish TV 2 in an interview and said that a study from Denmark’s State Serum Institute where she works shows that the risk of ending up in the hospital from Omicron is half that of the Delta variant. Because of that, Krause said ‘we will have our normal lives back in two months.’
    Retrospective: On July 26th BullShift.News predicted COVID would disappear in 2022 shortly after the expiration of the PCR test emergency authorization in December 2021...
    According to the CDC: FDA Emergency Use Authorization of the PCR test to end in December 2021, requiring the use of other FDA approved tests that can differentiate between Flu and SARS-CoV-2 viruses.
    CDC Retrospective: 07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing... "After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives." See July 26th Edition for more on the prediction
  • The War Fought through Hacking...
    Jerusalem Post website is hacked on anniversary of Soleimani's assassination: 'Pro-Iranian hackers' post a fake image of secret Israeli nuclear facility being hit in a missile stri... Hackers on Monday targeted the website of an Israeli newspaper on the 2020 anniversary of the killing of a prominent Iranian general, replacing its content with an image that threatened a site associated with Israel's undeclared nuclear weapons program. Chinese hackers are exploiting 'fully weaponised' software vulnerability which is causing 'mayhem on the web' and poses a threat to internet-connected devices worldwide, experts wa... Chinese hackers are already exploiting a 'fully weaponised' software vulnerability which is causing mayhem on the web, with experts warning that it poses a threat to internet-connected devices across the globe. Cyber-attack on UK’s Defence Academy caused ‘significant’ damage... A cyber-attack on the UK’s Defence Academy caused “significant” damage, a retired high-ranking officer has revealed. Air Marshal Edward Stringer, who left the armed forces in August, told Sky News the attack, which was discovered in March 2021, meant the Defence Academy was forced to rebuild its network. Israel BEHIND Iran Gas Station Cyberattacks - US military officials Washington has reportedly pushed Israel under the bus for hacking efforts against Tehran, after a NY Times report cited US military officials in asserting the October cyberattacks on Iranian gas stations - an apparent attempt to spark unrest against Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The attack reportedly set back Tehran’s fuel subsidy program by two weeks after paralyzing over 4,300 gas stations and displaying digital anti-govt messages, while days later Israeli medical facilities and dating sites were hacked in retaliation. The report comes after nuclear deal talks resumed with Iran in Vienna. Microsoft Seizes 42 Websites Used by China-Based Hacking Group to Carry Out Cyberattacks on US Organizations... Microsoft seized a number of websites that were being used by a China-based hacking firm to carry out cyberattacks against organizations in the United States and 28 other countries around the world, the company announced on Monday. OTF – The “Independent” Internet Freedom Organization That Makes All Your Favorite Privacy Apps – is Staffed Full of Spies... The Open Technology Fund (OTF) is one of the most influential and celebrated organizations in the hacking and internet freedom communities. Well over two billion people globally use OTF-produced software, including communications app Signal and web browser Tor, services that are specifically marketed to privacy-conscious consumers looking to circumvent government censorship and surveillance.
  • Evergrande Dominoes
    CHINA ON THE EDGE OF COLLAPSE... Housing prices in China are in free fall as the China Evergrande Group defaults and its shares drop by 90%. Evergrande is embedded across China’s financial system. China Evergrande shares fall after missing new coupon payments... Shares of China Evergrande Group (3333.HK) tumbled on Thursday after the embattled real estate developer did not pay offshore coupons due earlier this week.
  • $16.77 $11.52
    11oz Ceramic Coffee Mug
  • DEFCON 3

    The last time the US was at DEFCON 3: September 11th, 2001: Attack On The Twin Towers
    Today's Current Defcon Level Alert Condition Is At Defcon Level Three (3)...
  • US-China Joint Moon, Mars, and Jupiter Missions
    China's Chang'e 5 moon lander is no more after successfully snagging lunar rocks... China's Chang'e 5 lander touched down on the moon and collected the first lunar samples in nearly 50 years, but now the lights have gone out. China's Moon Lander Just Revealed a Secret on the Far Side of the Moon... A Chinese mission to the far side of the moon may have unearthed the secrets of the moon's mantle.
    The Other Theory on the Moon Mission...
    NY Post: China sends lunar rover to investigate strange ‘hut’ on far side of moon... A Chinese lunar rover has been sent on a mission to investigate a mysterious cube-shaped object spotted on the dark side of the moon. The strange white object appears oddly geometric against the stark black horizon in images and prompted scientists from China’s Change 4 mission to send its Yutu 2 rover on a two- to three-month journey to check it out, according to Our Space. China’s National Space Administration (CNSA) describes the object as a “mysterious hut.” Joint US China missions sent to crashed alien spacecraft found by Yutu 2... In November 2021, a photo from China’s Yutu 2 Rover was released showing a cube-shaped object found on the farside of the Moon. According to JP, a pseudonym for my longtime source who currently serves with the US Army, China’s space force (the People’s Liberation Army Strategy Support Force) and US Space Command have recently begun joint missions to explore the object, and that he participated in one of the first missions. JP claims that early in the morning of December 23, he was sent to a secret research facility on the Moon on a triangle-shaped antigravity vehicle, and was then taken to the giant spacecraft that was partially submerged under the lunar surface. JP says part of the craft's exterior had been discovered by China's Yutu 2 rover, and that a joint operation to explore the craft, which was the size of two aircraft carriers had begun between US Space Command and the PLA's space force. JP said the giant alien spacecraft was discovered when it began to activate after an extraterrestrial fleet entered our solar system in October, and parked itself between Jupiter and Ganymede. JP participated in an earlier classified mission to Ganymede where he met with some of the extraterrestrial visitors. In this Exopolitics Today interview, JP discusses his role in the classified Moon mission and what he witnessed first-hand. Wikipedia: Moldavite... Moldavite (Czech: vltavín) is a forest green, olive green or blue greenish vitreous silica projectile glass formed by a meteorite impact probably in southern Germany (Nördlinger Ries Crater)[3] that occurred about 15 million years ago.[4] It is a type of tektite.
Special Report - Holograms and Light
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Elections and Fraud
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Persuasion Techniques
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - COVID and Vaccines
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - the History of Money
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - United States of America
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Blockchain and Crypto
BullShit News Blockchain Special Report
February 5th Edition on Myanmar
February 11th Edition on Epstein
March 1st Edition on DUMB
March 31st Edition on John Durham
April 16th, 2021 on Food Shortage
May 5th, 2021 on Critical Race Theory
Coming Soon:
Q is for Quantum
Coming Soon:
A New World Order
🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2021: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
Past Editions:
01/03/2021 01/01/2021 12/31/2021 12/30/2021 12/29/2021 12/28/2021 12/27/2021 12/24/2021 12/23/2021 12/22/2021 12/21/2021 12/20/2021 12/17/2021 12/16/2021 12/15/2021 12/14/2021 12/13/2021 12/11/2021 12/10/2021 12/09/2021 12/08/2021 12/07/2021 12/06/2021 12/03/2021 12/02/2021 12/01/2021 11/30/2021 11/29/2021 11/24/2021 11/23/2021 11/22/2021 11/19/2021 11/18/2021 11/17/2021 11/16/2021 11/15/2021 11/13/2021 11/12/2021 11/11/2021 11/10/2021 11/09/2021 11/08/2021 11/06/2021 11/05/2021 11/04/2021 11/03/2021 11/02/2021 11/01/2021