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April 4, 2023
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“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” ― Plato

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  • Kennedy corners Biden nominees
    New World Order ends 500 year plan to conquer the planet... ...Now, look at how the fake masked Biden’s judicial nominees can’t even answer Sen. John Kennedy’s basic questions—including a nominee who was unable to explain Article V of the Constitution. It is actually pathetic how stupid these judges really are. See for yourself in the video below.... Video of Senator Kennedy asking basic constitutional law questions to Biden's judicial nominees......
  • Which is bigger? The Red Circle or the Blue Circle?
    Makes you think...
  • Cocaine production in NJ
    Coca-Cola produces as much as $2BN of pure COCAINE every year in a secretive New Jersey factory - all thanks to its iconic recipe and a VERY special arrangement with the DEA... A small chemical processing plant hidden in a quiet neighborhood of New Jersey has an exclusive license to import coca leaves into the US on behalf of The Coca-Cola Company and manufactures as much as $2 billion of pure cocaine every year. The leaves are used to produce a 'decocainized' ingredient for the iconic soda and the cocaine byproduct is sold to the nation's largest opioid manufacturer, which markets the powder as a numbing agent and topical anesthetic for dentists. The unassuming facility in Maywood has been processing coca leaves for Coca-Cola for over 100 years and is now run by a chemical manufacturer called Stepan Company.
  • CTGX moves to oprx... Another pump and dump or a real Satoshi style move?
    Retrospective (2022): CryptoG Group (CTGX): The Second Coming Of Bitcoin Creator, Satoshi Nakamoto?... The real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains a mystery but their brainchild, Bitcoin, has gone on to achieve wonderful things since it was created in 2009. Nakamoto’s anonymity had first given people reason to doubt the digital asset, but in time had become one of the major reasons why it is such a trusted cryptocurrency. Even though Bitcoin has done tremendously well, Satoshi Nakamoto has refused to reveal their identity. While there are speculations about who this might be, there is also talk of the fact that Bitcoin has strayed far away from its creator’s vision, and as such, they’re no longer proud of it. This is where CryptoG Group (CTGX) enters the picture. The CryptoG Group project was founded by an anonymous individual who is eerily similar to the Bitcoin creator. The founder has no plans to make their identity public but wants to build out what will effectively do what Bitcoin has failed to do, and that is to provide a new monetary system that is free from the control of the current unjust traditional and conservative monetary system. CryptoG Group’s mission has sparked a lot of interest from crypto enthusiasts who have likened it to the early days of Bitcoin. Retrospective (2021): A Gift To Mankind: CryptoG launches global wealth distribution project... CryptoG has launched a global wealth distribution project aimed at restoring financial power back to the people. Its official token, CTG, is a digital currency used within its community as a worldwide cross-border anonymous payment system in exchange for goods and services, 100% backed and redeemable for gold. CTGX creates 1-1 trade with oprx... The CryptoG Global Wealth Distribution Project has now started another coin for which CTGX holders can trade 1-1. We are back. It is now time to implement our grand plan!... We have issued a new token named OperationX ("OPRX") with 2,000,000,000 (Two Billion) tokens issued, in which 1,000,000,000 (One Billion) is available for a 1:1 swap with CTGX token, while the remaining 1,000,000,000 (One Billion) will be reserved for liquidity pool in 3 major exchanges with a combined of more than 30 million+ global users (locked, signed NDA's) used for future trading on these Centralized Exchanges (CEXs). Please be informed that this listing exercise will be done within 90 days (starting from the 1st of April 2023). Upon listing, the starting price is $2 to $5 /OPRX, with our minimum $10 billion liquidity (in BTC) for these 3 exchanges. New World Order - The Great Reset: CryptoG Global Wealth Distribution Project... Inequality has been on the rise across the globe for several decades. Some countries have reduced the numbers of people living in extreme poverty. But economic gaps have continued to grow as the very richest amass unprecedented levels of wealth. The top 1% ultra rich of the world's population is systematically destroying the middle and lower classes thus making the poor suffer even more. This situation thus begs the need for the emergence of a monetary system that works for all. We are building a community of people who are in complete control of their own finance without the interference of a third party e.g. the governments, banks or any central authority. CryptoG is a special purpose vehicle for a global wealth distribution project to undertake the development of a then (initiated by the year 2004) proposed of the world’s biggest mega gold mining operations - located within the South-East Asian region. Recently approved by our board of directors, we are distributing in total $1 trillion+ in aid funds to eligible recipients globally with the aim to balance the global wealth inequality. CTGX is our official cryptocurrency created on the Stellar blockchain as its core network, was first issued to the public on 19th of September, 2021. All tokenholders of CTGX who buy, sell, or trade on the Stellar DEX starting from 20th of September 2021 onwards will be eligible to receive funding and rewards on our 2nd phase distribution period. Up to date, the total approved fund distribution for the 2nd phase is $175.8 billion with millions of people worldwide will benefit from this initiative. The funds will be distributed in a liquidity pool to all CTGX token holders available on all Stellar Decentralized Exchanges (SDEX) based on their shareholdings.
  • NESARA/GESARA/GCR and Earth Alliance updates...
    Countdown complete. Zero Day... Central Bank of Iraq: Dollar will gradually fall within two days to reach official rate. Russia, Iran discuss regional cooperation. Tennessee Governor Signs Bill Authorizing State Gold and Silver Reserves. Brazil, China strike trade deal agreement to ditch US dollar. China has just completed its first trade of liquefied natural gas (LNG) settled in yuan Welcome to the endgame phase!... BRICS Group Works On A New Form Of Currency. Central Bank sets 4 measures to support Iraqi dinar power. Egypt joins new bank of BRICS bloc Please take your seats. The "show" is about to start... El Salvador removes all taxes related to tech innovation for economic growth. India, Malaysia can now trade in Indian rupee. Yuan tops euro as Brazil's second currency in foreign reserves. BRICS urges cooperation and peace. India offers rupee trade option to nations facing dollar crunch Breaking: everything. Stay safe!... Malaysia, China to Discuss 'Asian Fund' to Cut US Dollar Dependency. China's Yuan Replaces Dollar as Most Traded Currency in Russia. Saudi Arabia to Adopt Economic Strategy Without US Dependence. Saudi Arabia ignores US threats over oil cuts. Saudi Arabia to invite Syrian president Assad for Arab leaders summit QSI Weekly Wednesday Panel Call - BANKING UPDATES & BIRTH CERTIFICATES WITH CHARLIE WARD... Dave 'XRP Lion' Discusses QFS & EBS Global Explosion with Nicholas Veniamin... It's going to be biblical
  • The Financial Crisis continues...
    De-dollarization and the Sandman... First non-dollar LNG trade occurs...
    Switzerland’s attorney general to investigate Credit Suisse takeover... Switzerland’s federal prosecutor has launched an investigation into whether last month’s state-backed takeover of the stricken bank Credit Suisse by its bigger rival UBS broke Swiss criminal law. The office of the attorney general said it was looking into potential breaches by government officials, regulators and executives at the two banks who thrashed out an emergency merger over a frantic weekend in mid-March to prevent a wider financial meltdown. Google's co-founder and Hyatt Hotels chairman are among billionaires issued subpoenas in lawsuit over JPMorgan's ties to Jeffrey Epstein... Google co-founder Sergey Brin is among three billionaires issued with subpoenas this week in relation to JPMorgan's ties to pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein. The probe by the US Virgin Islands concerns allegations that JP Morgan Chase and Co. turned a blind eye to Epstein's sex trafficking. Hyatt Hotels executive chairman Thomas Pritzker and real estate investor Mort Zuckerman have also been hit with subpoenas. Former Disney executive turned venture capitalist Michael Ovitz has also been asked to supply information. It is not clear why the men - who are some of the wealthiest people in the US - have been targeted by investigators. Banks Bust As Big-Tech Booms In Q1; Gold & Crypto Soar As Dollar Dumps... Bank crisis in US and EU, global war rhetoric rising, de-dollarization actions escalating, US layoffs exploding? Makes you wonder about the state of the dollar eh? Elon Musk Sounds Alarm About US Dollar: ‘Serious Issue’... Telsa and Twitter owner Elon Musk this week sounded the alarm about the primacy of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency following a deal between the Chinese regime and Brazil to trade in their own currencies. “The US dollar is losing its reserve currency status,” Genevieve Roch-Decter, a former small-cap money manager, wrote on Twitter this week, adding that the dollar has been “the backbone of the global economy for decades. Several countries even use the US Dollar as an official currency, like El Salvador, Panama, and Ecuador.” Musk indicated that he shares her concerns, writing: “Serious issue. US policy has been too heavy-handed, making countries want to ditch the dollar.” Russia talks up prospects of BRICS countries developing new currency... A new world order could be emerging as economic powerhouses increase their efforts to distance themselves from US dollar hegemony. According to reports, a top Russian official has claimed that the BRICS alliance is working on creating its own currency. BRICS is an acronym for five leading emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The emergence of: Hard assets vs. paper assets at the sovereign level. History-defining stuff.
  • The TRUMP files...
    Dems' Trump Attack Backfires, Accidentally Set Stage to Prosecute Biden Himself - Judicial Watch... Two can play at the indictment game, and several voices outraged at the indictment of former President Donald Trump predicted on Friday that will happen. Trump’s indictment is likely to spark a volley of similar efforts against President Joe Biden — already facing heat due to the activities of his son, Hunter — and other top-name Democrats, Tom Fitton said, according to the New York Post. Fitton is president of the conservative legal group Judicial Watch. “All bets are off,” he said. “You can expect grand jury indictments of leftist politicians like Biden, [former House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and [Senate Majority Leader Chuck] Schumer as surely as night follows day.” Donald Trump indicted by Manhattan grand jury on more than 30 counts related to business fraud ... Donald Trump faces more than 30 counts related to business fraud in an indictment from a Manhattan grand jury, according to two sources familiar with the case – the first time in American history that a current or former president has faced criminal charges. Trump is expected to appear in court on Tuesday. The indictment has been filed under seal and will be announced in the coming days. The charges are not publicly known at this time.
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