BullShit News Nuclear Cover

April 26th, 2021

“For whatever we lose (like a you or a me), It's always our self we find in the sea.” ― e.e. cummings

The Latest News, Conflicting Views, and Trending Theories

What are you missing? See the Latest Mainstream News next to Citizen Journalists and Trending Internet Theories. We recognize that there is an abundance of information and theories out there, and that conflicting views need to be presented side-by-side in order to try and find the theme behind them. Even though we like to keep things lighthearted, we are very serious about bringing transparency to the media (all news, including the fringe stuff).

The Bull
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  • DEFCON 5

    Current DefCon Level... Today's Current Defcon Level Alert Condition What they actually mean with the DEFCON stages? Telegram: TheSolemnJourney 23593: DEFCON stages...
  • <<< Pink Moon >>>

    The next full Moon will be late Monday night, April 26, 2021, appearing opposite the Sun in Earth-based longitude at 11:32 p.m. EDT. This will be the next day from the Atlantic Daylight Savings timezone eastward across Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia to the International Date Line. Most commercial calendars are based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and will show this full Moon occurring on Tuesday, April 27, 2021. The Moon will appear full for about three days around this time, from Sunday night through Wednesday morning. In the 1930s the Maine Farmer’s Almanac began publishing American Indian Moon names for the months of the year. According to this almanac, as the full Moon in April, this is the Pink Moon, named after the herb moss pink, also known as creeping phlox, moss phlox, or mountain phlox. The plant is native to the eastern United States and is one of the earliest widespread flowers of spring. Don’t Miss the Next Full Moon – A Pink “Supermoon” ... On April 26, 2021, the Full Pink Super Moon in Scorpio is happening. This full moon will inspire you to play by your own rules and have lots of sexy time. April 2021's Full Pink Super Moon In Scorpio Will Make You Want To Break All the Rules...
  • <<< Election Audits >>>

    Watch while they audit each of the votes in Maricopa County. Livestream Arizona Audit... Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury recuses himself from legal challenge to Senate Republicans' election audit, less than 24 hours before scheduled 11 a.m. hearing Monday. More TK... TO BE CLEAR This lawyer who once worked as judge’s extern (hence the recusal) is a junior associate at law firm representing Cyber Ninjas. Admitted to Bar a year ago. Tweet: BrahmResnik: Maricopa judge recuses himself... "Let me explain why the establishment is so terrified of the ongoing audit.This is the first audit of its kind in the history of US elections.Currently, an understaffed tiny federal agency (EAC) and 2 private testing companies (Pro V&V and SLI Compliance) are responsible for certification of our nation’s voting systems.One of the chief employees at the EAC is a former 10-year executive of Dominion Voting Systems.Pro V&V and SLI Compliance like Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic are all members of CISA's Sector Coordinating Council.The same council that issued the "most secure election in American history" statement shortly after the election on Nov. 12th.The testing from Pro V&V and SLI Compliance had been characterized as “superficial” and “cursory testing” by election security experts.➡️ Enter Cyber Ninjas.This is an unprecedented thorough audit of an election. From the voter rolls to the physical paper ballots and through the entire electronic voting system.This includes the election management system, ballot images, adjudication machines, compact flash drives, USB drives, audit logs, election database servers, chain of custody documents, etc.Everything will be audited under one all-encompassing audit by individuals not associated with the government or voting machine companies.Instead of a "superficial" testing of the machines or hand recounts that just run the same printed ballot images through scanners, this will be the first thorough independent audit of a US election in modern history.🔻" Telegram: WeTheMedia 17594: Maricopa and cyber ninjas... VIDEO: Maricopa County officials are scanning the audited ballots with UV light. Exactly one year ago on April 24th, Trump mentioned “killing the invisible enemy with UV light” While on Twitter I did a massive thread about the evidence suggesting watermarks & blockchain coding to protect paper ballots. This video was released shortly after by a former high ranking government official named Steve Pieczenik (look him up his background is impressive). It appears that it’s all coming together now...FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING... Telegram: Forecast432 305650: Maricopa County Video... The Washington Post Corroborates Watermarked Ballots Story! The Washington Post Corroborates Watermarked Ballots Story!... Let me explain why the establishment is so terrified of the ongoing audit. This is the first audit of its kind in the history of US elections. Currently, an understaffed tiny federal agency (EAC) and 2 private testing companies (Pro V&V and SLI Compliance) are responsible for certification of our nation’s voting systems. One of the chief employees at the EAC is a former 10-year executive of Dominion Voting Systems. Pro V&V and SLI Compliance like Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic are all members of CISA's Sector Coordinating Council. The same council that issued the "most secure election in American history" statement shortly after the election on Nov. 12th. The testing from Pro V&V and SLI Compliance had been characterized as “superficial” and “cursory testing” by election security experts... Gab: Kanekoathegreat: Maricopa... After state Democrats filed a lawsuit this week to halt the proceedings, an Arizona judge on Friday ordered that the recount be paused for the weekend to consider their allegations that the process violates state laws governing the security of ballots. However, he required that the Democratic Party post a $1 million bond to cover the potential costs of a delay. On Friday afternoon, the state party said it would not put up the money, meaning the recount is on track to press ahead. GOP-backed recount of Maricopa County ballots appears on track to move forward after initial pause ordered by Arizona judge... Maricopa judge orders a temporary halt to the Arizona election audit until Monday, citing "security lapses at the audit facility. Telegram: Whiplash347 8322: What are their motives with pausing the audit?... A Maricopa county judge has put temporary halt on the Arizona GOP election audit on Friday. The pause takes effect on Friday at 5 p.m. until Monday at noon. This comes after the Arizona Democratic Party’s filed a lawsuit to stop the Senate’s audit of the 2.1 million Maricopa County ballots from the November election. Maricopa County judge orders a temporary pause to Arizona election audit... Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury on Friday paused the audit beginning at 5 p.m. Friday until Monday at noon in response to a suit filed by the state Democratic Party and the county’s only Democratic supervisor, who argued that the audit violates Arizona rules governing the confidentiality and security of ballots and voting equipment. Arizona judge orders pause in Republican-backed recount of ballots cast in Maricopa County last fall... The county delivered all 2.1 million ballots to the Senate’s custody at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Thursday for the unprecedented recount, which was set to begin Friday morning. But in a last-minute lawsuit, the Arizona Democratic Party and County Supervisor Steve Gallardo argued the process violates state election law in numerous ways. The lawsuit argues, for example, the Senate has not set up proper security to protect ballots, voting machines and voter information. Judge orders 'pause' to Arizona Senate audit of Maricopa County election...
  • <<< Climate Plan >>>

    From coastal towns to rural farms to urban centers, climate change poses an existential threat – not just to our environment, but to our health, our communities, our national security, and our economic well-being. It also damages our communities with storms that wreak havoc on our towns and cities and our homes and schools. THE BIDEN PLAN FOR A CLEAN ENERGY REVOLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE... ...versus...
    Joe Biden’s climate plan includes cutting 90% of red meat from our diets by 2030. They want to limit us to about four pounds a year. Why doesn’t Joe stay out of my kitchen? Telegram: LaurenBoebertChannel 52: Climate red meat limit... ...versus...
    Ten states are suing President Joe Biden for his executive order directing all federal agencies to commence work on what he describes as “the climate crisis.” Louisiana Leads 10-state Lawsuit Against Biden’s Climate Order... ...versus...
    The climate crisis is arguably the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced, and to limit warming to manageable levels, time is our biggest opponent. While the transition from fossil fuels to cleaner renewable energy is now gaining steam, the pace is simply not fast enough to head off the harmful impacts that are already being felt throughout the world. Carbon capture and "dimming" the sun: Climate geoengineering poses technical and ethical dilemmas... ...versus...
    Is Biden really lying about his Climate Change claims? Tweet: Poop has been dumped in front of the White House to protest Biden’s "bullshit" climate plan.... More than 10.2 million acres of the United States burned last year from wildfires, killing 46 people and causing $16.6 billion in damages. Senator Michael Bennet said the country needs to be more proactive with fire prevention by putting people to work maintaining forests. One senator's idea to save forests and help the climate — and create jobs... Gates, also a renowned climate expert because he is selling a book about it, will be the keynote speaker at the virtual summit which begins on Thursday and will be attended by French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Bill Gates To Address FORTY Heads Of State At Climate Summit... The Russet Burbank is a potato variety grown in North America which is widely used to make French fries, and is believed to be the spud of choice for McDonald's. Climate change is coming for your CHIPS! Rising temperatures are making it harder to grow the potatoes used for French fries, expert warns...
  • <<< Rocket Launch >>>

    Delta IV Heavy Rocket Launch - April 26, 2021 4:46PM EDT Delta IV Heavy Rocket Launch...
  • <<< DAM >>>

    Water. All Major Dams. 3GD, Nile, Hoover etc Think Superman 1. See Ivanka's Hello Hoover Dam tweet. Ripple XRP Liquidity Stock Market Watermark Ballots. Telegram: Whiplash 347 8505: Water...... Hello Hoover Dam! Tweet: IvankaTrump: Hello, Hoover Dam!...
  • A judge in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia has ordered tech giant Google to hand over information linked to a blog critical of the far-left extremist group Antifa after allegations of cyberbullying. Canada: Judge Orders Google to Identify Person Behind Anti-Antifa Blog...
  • Notable Resignations Worldwide Notable Resignations Worldwide...
  • VIDEO: Volcano Sakurajima has erupted in Japan Telegram: WW3INFO 4094: Volcano in Japan Erupts...
  • Coffea stenophylla from Sierra Leone can tolerate higher temperatures than Arabica, the world's most popular coffee, according to climate change experts. Rare species of COFFEE that is resilient to global warming 'tastes better than Arabica' and could 'futureproof' the drink from climate change...
  • My patent list has been featured on sites like Geoengineeringwatch.org, NaturalNews.com, and Infowars.com. This list only includes patents from 1891-2003. Geoengineering and Weather Modification Patents...
  • After several decades of globalization, with trillions disappearing from the U.S. federal government and explosive global corruption, it has become increasingly fashionable for those in power to ignore domestic and international law. The message is "crime pays." The Nuremberg Principles with Amy Benjamin...
Special Report - Holograms and Light
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Elections and Fraud
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Persuasion Techniques
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - COVID and Vaccines
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - the History of Money
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - United States of America
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Coming Soon:
New World Order... Theories and Evidence
March 1st Edition on DUMB
February 11th Edition on Epstein
February 5th Edition on Myanmar
February 2nd Edition on Blockchain
March 31st Edition on John Durham
Coming Soon:
Global Warming... Solar Wind or Bull Farts?
Coming Soon:
Food... Is a Shortage Coming?
Coming Soon:
Q... 007s Gadget Guru or Modern Information Op?
🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 If there was no fraud, why sue to stop the Maricopa audit. The audit should prove or disprove fraud or foreign influence. 🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 What happened to the nursing home saga and Cuomo? Forgotten? What about PA, MI, KY, and WI nursing home deaths? 🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 Will the QFS go into effect on April 22nd? Are the Banks shutting down this week? 🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 Did the vaccines help COVID-19 mutate into a new, more virulent virus? 🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 Will we see DefCon 2? or even DefCon 1? Will there be a nuclearscare event? 🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 Will the stock market crash? Will bitcoin crash with the flooding in China? Will cryptocurrencies become regulated? Will the SEC Ripple case be settled? 🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 Is D.C. really going to be the 51st state? What happens top the flag when we add another star?
Past Editions:
04/25/2021 04/24/2021 04/23/2021 04/22/2021 04/21/2021 04/20/2021 04/19/2021 04/18/2021 04/17/2021 04/16/2021 04/15/2021 04/14/2021 04/13/2021 04/12/2021 04/11/2021 04/10/2021 04/09/2021 04/08/2021 04/07/2021 04/06/2021 04/05/2021 04/04/2021 04/03/2021 04/02/2021 04/01/2021 03/31/2021 03/30/2021 03/29/2021 03/28/2021 03/27/2021 03/26/2021 03/25/2021 03/24/2021 03/23/2021 03/22/2021 03/21/2021 03/20/2021 03/19/2021 03/18/2021 03/17/2021 03/16/2021 03/15/2021 03/14/2021 03/13/2021 03/12/2021 03/11/2021 03/10/2021 03/09/2021 03/08/2021 03/07/2021 03/06/2021 03/05/2021 03/04/2021 03/03/2021 03/02/2021 03/01/2021 02/28/2021 02/27/2021 02/26/2021 02/25/2021 02/24/2021 02/23/2021 02/22/2021 02/21/2021 02/20/2021 02/19/2021 02/18/2021 02/17/2021 02/16/2021 02/15/2021 02/14/2021 02/13/2021 02/12/2021 02/11/2021 02/10/2021 02/09/2021 02/08/2021 02/07/2021 02/06/2021 02/05/2021 02/04/2021 02/03/2021 02/02/2021 02/01/2021 01/31/2021 01/30/2021 01/29/2021 01/28/2021 01/27/2021 01/26/2021 01/25/2021 01/24/2021 01/23/2021 01/22/2021 01/21/2021 01/20/2021 01/19/2021 01/18/2021 01/17/2021 01/16/2021 01/15/2021 01/14/2021 01/13/2021 01/12/2021 01/11/2021 01/10/2021 01/09/2021 01/08/2021 01/07/2021 01/06/2021 01/05/2021 01/04/2021 01/03/2021 01/02/2021 01/01/2021 12/31/2020 12/30/2020 12/29/2020 12/28/2020 12/27/2020 12/26/2020 12/25/2020 12/24/2020 12/23/2020 12/22/2020 12/21/2020