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April 19th, 2023
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“I think the big mistake in schools is trying to teach children anything, and by using fear as the basic motivation. Fear of getting failing grades, fear of not staying with your class, etc. Interest can produce learning on a scale compared to fear as a nuclear explosion to a firecracker.” ― Stanley Kubrick

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    See the Latest Mainstream News next to Citizen Journalists and Trending Internet Theories. We recognize that there is an abundance of information and theories out there, and that conflicting views need to be presented side-by-side in order to try and find the theme behind them. Even though we like to keep things lighthearted, we are very serious about bringing transparency to the media (all news, including the fringe stuff). ☑ an unreasonable work shift. One that starts at an unreasonable time or is of unreasonable length. It may also be a change to your regular time or day.
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  • Drencrom
    "DReNCRoM" adrenochrome reference in A Clockwork Orange
  • Schwab Warriors... Would you like a Q Tip with that?
    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced it has recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracy content which will then be systematically shut down. According to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, misinformation on the internet is an “infodemic” that is “potentially deadly” and requires a “cure.” The definition of misinformation, according to the WEF, is any content on the internet that they disagree with. This means the WEF’s hundreds of thousands of information warriors will be engaged in the act of shutting down dissent against the globalist elite.
  • Writ of Quo Warranto
    Brunson Brothers get a boost by Lisa McGee
    Public servants in office who did not take oaths of office. Writ of Quo Warranto filed.... We The Kingdom - Don't Tread On Me A writ of quo warranto is a common law remedy which is used to challenge a person's right to hold a public or corporate office.... Lawfulness of Biden Administration Cabinet in Question Upon Failure to Produce Oaths of Office... On April 12, 2023, Todd S. Callender, Esq. of Disabled Rights Advocates PLLC, and Kenneth W. Ferguson, Esq. of Ferguson Law, P.A., filed on Petition for Writ of Quo Warranto, on behalf of Petitioner, Lisa McGee, to the US Attorney in the District of Columbia, requesting: 1) true, correct and non-defective required affidavits of Oaths of Office for the appointed and elected cabinet members of the Biden Administration; or the immediate removal of all named parties for failure to abide their this statutory requirement; and 3) if removed, then to void all their official acts ab initio. US ATTORNEY’S OFFICE THE DISTRICT OF COLOMBIA – PETITION FOR WRIT OF QUO WARRANTO – The Whole Cabinet is Void!... PETITION FOR WRIT OF QUO WARRANTO Submitted by Lisa McGee... On Petition for Writ of Quo Warranto
  • The $50k tax challenge
    Joe Banister - IRS criminal investigator - discusses the lack of lawws around income taxes
  • How many coincidences before you conclude that Satan A.I. tries to rule the world?
    Natasha & Malia Backwards Ailam ahsatan [A]i[L]am [AH]satan Remove ALAH i am satan I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
  • JFK tried to warn us...
    What do you think JFK meant by this?
  • Protect your gut biome
    Nanoparticles Found in Many Foods Could Wreak Havoc With Your Gut Microbiome... A Cornell University study published in Antioxidants provided more evidence that titanium, silicon, zinc and iron nanoparticles present in many foods and supplements may cause serious disturbances to intestinal health and function, and to the gut microbiome.
  • Ericsson pleaded guilty again...
    Ericsson paid WJC $750k in Nov 2011
  • Epstein's friends and Busch theme park designs...
    Jeffrey Epstein’s Victim Sarah Ransome Aims To Publish Videos Of The VIPs Who Sexually Harrassed Underaged Children ... As per the Daily Mail, one of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims, will soon be exposing Epstein’s notorious operations involving the sexual harassment of minors. Jeffrey Epstein’s victim disclosed that she saw several videos that the disgraced pedophile recorded in which his wealthy allies were seen having sex with a female target in order to “blackmail” her. Busch Gardens 👁🌀💈☀️💈
  • X and Osiris
    Do you know anything about Osirian Religions, what Secret Societies are made of? The Story of Osiris, Iris & Horus Do you know on what day of the year the entire Saga plays out? From birth, to death & Resurrection to the Golden Phallus? On the 17th Day. Osiris Risen “X” 👀
  • Controlling Doctors using EMR
    This is Dr. Bill Deagle a decade foretelling of the New World Order via biopharmaceutical enslavement
  • Who or What is "Q"
    VIDEO: Snowden discussing the Q group within the NSA... The Pentagon Leaks about the Ukraine war was leaked by Patriots. Q… in the words of Q... Let’s think of Q as a conscious side and an intrinsic side. Intrinsic side is the receiving of information. Conscious side the transmission of consciousness that is overseen on the planet. As an example, I am one of three people. You can call me the transmitter. There is a receiver and what you might call a ground. So there are these three individuals, me being one of them. We are in unique places, unique relationships and we do conscious transmissions to what is called a Light Vessel continuously, our entire lives. This vessel has the ability now to take where we live, in this case I’m in America, and or the globe and record consciousness, and then the ability if someone has a transceiver here, they can get as much gradual information that they want. There’s caveats to that… has to do a lot with frequencies and we can travel pretty much in any frequency in any reality and any dimension, but we do have to change our frequencies to inherit say, a body, and or the vessels location is literally right outside this frequency.
  • Devolution
    Patel Patriot’s Devolution Series... This article will outline one of Trump’s key executive orders that I truly believe spells out that we are no doubt in the middle of some sort of Continuity of Government plan that I believe to be a plan of devolution. I briefly touched on this executive order in Devolution - Part 3, but it deserves its own article and detailed breakdown.
  • Brunson Brothers Plan D
    Brunson brothers move to Plan D in election suit aiming to remove politicians from office ... The case was brought by Raland Brunson against 388 federal officers, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Mike Pence for failing to assess warnings about illegal votes from several states. Under Rule 11, the case was fast-tracked to the Supreme Court earlier this year because of its impact on national security. The Supreme Court declined to hear the original case, but Brunson has announced he is moving to Plan D with his brother, Loy Brunson. “Plan D – In order for us to move our brother Loy's case to the Supreme Court, we need to move it to the appellate court," Raland Brunson wrote on Tuesday. “It was two years ago (April 1, 2021) that Loy first paid the filing fee to have his complaint filed in the Federal Court. Loy gave them the filing fee, but they didn't file it. They actually accepted the filing fee but held onto the complaint without filing it. I mean, what the heck?” The federal court eventually decided to file Loy’s complaint and ordered a dismissal, which allows for an appeal. Plan D includes filing a "Notice of Appeal" to the Federal Court, which Loy did this week. This lets the court know that the plaintiff is moving the case to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals (the Appellate Court). “The plan is that as soon as it's filed in the appellate court, we are going to do a Rule 11 and move it to the Supreme Court. It will take several days, up to a couple of weeks for this to be officially filed in the Court of Appeals.”
  • "X"
    What's So Fascinating About the Letter X?... What’s so mystifying about the letter “X?” For starters, the swastika X—or cross—has come to symbolize the very essence of evil. And the letter, as signified by the skull and crossbones, portrays death by poison. Yet it also represents virtue and eternal life in being employed as an abbreviation for Christ in Xmas, and for Christianity generally. Such a curious dichotomy only hints at the many convoluted complexities of a letter seemingly “designed” to beguile us with contradictory connotations. In this post, I’ll attempt the unusually challenging task of organizing the various meanings of this strangest, and most alluring, of letters. “X” may take up less space in the dictionary than any of its 23 compatriots but, in terms of its diverse uses, it’s a letter that defines, well, overcompensation. For it seems, waywardly, to want to sprawl out in every direction imaginable. As such, it rigorously resists all attempts to restrain it. X-Corporation... The X-Corporation (X-Corp) is a fictional institution appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, commonly in association with the X-Men comics. This organization was created to ensure the protection of mutant rights throughout the world due to the increasing number of mutants and widespread bigotry and hate crimes against them. Twitter Isn’t a Company Anymore... In a court filing on Tuesday, April 4, Twitter Inc. quietly revealed a major development: It no longer exists. The company is currently being sued by right-wing provocateur Laura Loomer, who accused it of violating federal racketeering laws when it banned her account in 2019. Loomer has a Twitter account again, and her absurd lawsuit is bound to fail—but until it does, Twitter, as a defendant, must continue to submit corporate disclosure statements to the court. And so, in its most recent filing, the company provided notice that “Twitter, Inc. has been merged into X Corp. and no longer exists.” As the “successor in interest” to Twitter Inc.—that is, the survivor of the merger—X Corp. is now the defendant in Loomer’s suit. Its parent corporation is identified as X Holdings Corp. Retrospective: Elon Musk Buys Back X.com From PayPal... Musk stopped being CEO of PayPal in 2000 and later received $165 million for his shares in 2002 when eBay acquired PayPal. During this time, Musk also lost ownership of the X.com domain. However, DomainInvesting.com(Opens in a new window) discovered PayPal agreed to sell the domain back to Musk this month, a transaction Musk confirmed yesterday in a tweet. Twitter 'no longer exists' as company officially merges with X Corp... Journalist Laura Loomer, who is suing Twitter among other social media companies, posted a photo of a legal filing amid a series of tweets Monday that showed Twitter has merged into X Corp., which is a privately held company under X Holdings Company. Both are owned by Elon Musk, who still runs the daily operations of the social media platform Twitter. Musk has not publicly revealed the change, although he has kept a public pattern with the letter X, including the name of his child, a website he owned — X.com, before he co-founded PayPal — and the current names of his companies and products: SpaceX, and Tesla Model X. Early Tuesday morning, Musk cryptically tweeted "X," as reports of the change trended on the platform.
  • April New Moon and May 15th eclipse
    Aries April 2023 New Moon - Prepare For a Super Charged Solar Eclipse!... This Aries April 2023 New Moon is a time for big changes. Get ready for a total solar eclipse in april 2023 of extraordinary power! This is a significant moment in your life, and you should prepare for it by paying attention to your intuition and embracing change. intuition is a powerful tool, and you should use it to guide your decisions in this period. Total Solar Eclipse, Blood MOON May 15th - The Countdown Has Started!... Are you ready for the Total Solar Eclipse and the amazing Blood Moon on May 15th? The countdown has already started, and there's no stopping now, we'll show you everything you need to know about the Total Solar Eclipse and the Blood Moon, We'll also provide tips on how to prepare for the big day, If you're looking to experience the Total Solar Eclipse and the amazing Blood Moon to the fullest, then you need to make sure you have the right gear!
  • What was in the classified documents that Trump and Biden had?
    Gang of Eight is getting classified docs from Trump, Biden, Pence homes... The Biden administration has started giving the congressional “Gang of Eight” access to the classified documents that were recovered from the homes of former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden and former Vice President Mike Pence, according to sources familiar with the matter. This is a major victory for Congress and, more broadly, a validation of lawmakers’ role as overseers of the U.S. intelligence community.
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